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“My work explores the intersection of whimsy and depth, challenging the idea that art must be serious to be profound. By focusing on light-heartedness, I invite viewers to contemplate the power of joy in our complex world, using the smile as both subject and medium.”
— Lucas Zanotto

Step into the soothing and lighthearted world of Italian artist Lucas Zanotto at his first solo art exhibition in Hong Kong titled “Looping in Hong Kong”. The exhibition features over 20 captivating sculptures, paintings, prints, and digital creations that exude a calming ambiance. Zanotto has created ten brand new paintings for this exhibition, including the “Hong Kong Selfie” series, where his endearing big-eyed characters snuggle up together in the frame, as if they have come to vibrant Hong Kong and taken a selfie.

 Through his minimalist aesthetic, complemented by harmonious colours and geometric forms, Zanotto has created works with calming effect. Each artwork radiates warmth through their smiles, offering viewers a moment of respite from the fast-paced and anxious world and embrace the pure joy of simplicity.  

“Looping in Hong Kong” Exhibition
Italian artist Lucas Zanotto

The exhibition also presents Zanotto’s most beloved creations – looping animations. These seamless loops depict his endearing characters, which have round bodies and large, expressive eyes and mouths. Through various expressions and playful interactions between the characters, the smooth transitions between smiles and wistful expressions are mesmerizing, compelling the viewer to watch repeatedly and bringing audiences visual and auditory comfort as well as an addictive fascination.

If just experiencing Zanotto’s art does not suffice, Gallery by the Harbour offers the artist’s quirkily adorable merchandise, including wool handmade carpet (HK$8,600), skateboards (HK$1,450), T-shirts (HK$320), pillow (HK$250), two-tone Jacquard beach towel (HK$360), large posters (HK$630), small posters (HK$470) and postcards (HK$20). Among all items, the scented candle (HK$600) and table tennis racket set (HK$860) have truly captured the essence of Zanotto’s whimsical creations. The candles, shaped like the adorable big-eyed characters, can be assembled like models and serve not only as aromatherapy but also as decorative pieces for the home. The table tennis racket set features Lucas Zanotto’s iconic smiling and crying faces printed on the paddles, accompanied by eyeball-shaped table tennis balls, adding a touch of whimsy and amusement.

Details of “Looping in Hong Kong” Art Exhibition
Venue: Gallery by the Harbour (Shop 207, Level 2, Ocean Centre)
Time:   11am – 10pm 

Scented Candle (HK$600)
Table Tennis Racket Set (HK$860)
Wool Handmade Carpet (HK$8,600)
T-shirts (HK$320)
Pillow (HK$250)
Postcards (HK$20)
Large Posters (HK$630) & Small Posters (HK$470)
Skateboards (HK$1,450)
Two-tone Jacquard beach towel (HK$360)